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I have videos for all of my projects on my YouTube Channel. Check them out HERE

DIY Surprise Engagement Ring Box

Writer's picture: JoeJoe

I wanted to make a Valentines Day project for my YouTube channel and I came up with this idea. Why not make an engagement ring box that doesn't look like and engagement ring box. I have never proposed to anyone before and I wont be anytime soon but I can imagine as soon as the recipient sees that little square box they know what it is straight away.

I thought if the box looked like a plane simple necklace gift box then it would keep the surprise right up until the box is opened. I can make this engagement ring box to order. You can find the product listing Here.

I used my X-Carve cnc to create this project. If you would like to use the files I made, here is a link to the project ready to go on Inventables website:

Tools Used:

Materials Used:

I started by securing a piece of walnut to my X-Carve using a couple of screws. The piece I was using was from a previous project, the section I used was about 350mm x 75mm x 25mm. This was enough for both the lid and the base the to the box.

As you can imagine, using a cnc makes this step pretty hands off. Once I I'd got the project designed on the computer the cnc could do its thing. Please don't feel put off if you don't own a cnc machine though. As you can hopefully see from the design, the shape is very basic and can easily be created using more traditional tools.

If I didn't have a cnc I would use a a hand router to route out the pocket in the lid and the base. Using a bearing guided rebate bit would make creating the edge around the base piece nice and simple. Id cut out the shape of the lid and base using a table saw and mitre saw, then rounding the corners with files or at the belt sander. There are many techniques available to achieve the same results.

The pieces come off the cnc a little rough so hand sanding makes them nice and smooth to the touch and improves the fit of the lid to the base.

The pieces are now ready for finish. I use Morrels Gloss Spray Lacquer for the finish. It drys incredibly quickly and really brings out the grain in the walnut.

Masking tape placed inside the pockets will stop any finish covering those sections. Keeping them clear of finish will help the felt and foam adhere in the next step.

Using Spray adhesive, I attached a piece of felt baize to the pocket of the lid.

For the ring holder I applied felt baize to 5mm packing foam using spray adhesive too.

Scissors were used to trim the excess on the edges.

It can then be glued into place using spray adhesive again. A sharp knife was used to cut the slit for the ring to sit inside of.

That's project complete. Really nice and simple but hopefully one of the best projects you'll ever make. Certainly one that will hold treasured memories.


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